FT-100 Cash Drawer
The FT-100 is a Flip top cash drawer ideal for Supermarkets and applications with limied space. It has a standard 8 coin and 5 vertical note insert, but has other insert options also.
FT-100 Features:
- Standard Size
- All Steel Construction
- Black or Off-White Coat Finish
- Media Slot as standard
- Two function centre key lock with 100 random differs.
- Option of Stainless Steel top available
- Insert options including 8 coin / 5 note, 5 coin / 7 note and 8 weighable coins / 5 note.
- Drawer Status Switch Fitted
FT-100 Specifications:
Dimensions: 460 mm (W) x 170 mm (L) x 99 mm (H)
Ship Weight: 5 KG
Drawer Solenoid: 12V or 24 V
Warranty: 2 years
Interfaces: Any Receipt Printer, EPOS System or Computer interface (eg: USB, Serial)